Information relating to admissions made in Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Govt. Medical College & Hospital Mandi at Ner Chowk, Himachal Pradesh for 1st year MBBS degree for academic year 2024-2025

Staff Details of Anatomy Phone: 01905-263076 Dept. Email:
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1 Dr. Susheela Rana Professor & Head 94182-74488
2 Dr. Prabhjot Kaur Associate Professor 81469-00720
3 Dr. Pardeep Kashyap Assistant Professor 94180-07395
4 Dr. Pankaj Soni Tutor 76500-60644
5 Dr. Pankaj Kumar Tutor 8360-597762
Non-Teaching staff
1 Technical Assistant: 1. Rajesh Kumar 2. Amrita 3.Geeta Devi
2 Dissection Hall Attendants: 1.Bhagirath 2.Netar Singh 3.Pawan Kumar
3 Store Keeper – cum – clerk: 1.Monika Sen (DEO)
4 Sweepers OUTSOURCE CONTRACT (2 in no.)
5 Any other category Peon (1 in no.)

The department of Anatomy, SLBSGMCH is situated in the fifth floor of medical college building. It has a Dissection hall, Histology Laboratory and two Demonstrations rooms for students, The Department also houses a well-maintained Museum. The Departmental library cum seminar room has over 100 books.

The Embalming room, Cold storage facility and tanks for storage of cadavers are also located in the same floor.

We have adequate numbers of microscopes, slides, museum specimens, models, bones, skeletons and other materials for teaching of students as per NMC requirements.

A research lab is also available with following equipment – Automatic tissue processor-1, Water bath- 1, Water distiller – 1, Microtome -3, Paraffin embedding bath- 1, Hot plate – 2, Hot air oven- 1, Bacteriological incubator- 1 and Digital weight analyser – 1.

Shortly we are planning two other labs in our department.

The Department has adopted teaching & assessment methodology according to the new NMC guidelines for MBBS students both in theory and practical.

We have established a Deh Daan Samiti in the department that has more than 220 registered donors so far.

Staff Details of Anesthesiology Phone: NA Dept. Email:
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1 Dr. Shalini Sharma Associate Professor 70187-87775
2 Dr. Vishwjeet Singh Associate Professor 94180-02595
3 Dr. Shyamli Jamwal Associate Professor 94180-56420
3 Dr. Vikas Jaswal Senior Resident 82196-74090
4 Dr. Jassa Ram Thakur Senior Resident 94182-00160
5 Dr. Puneet Verma Senior Resident 70187-09456
6 Dr. Arjun Singh Senior Resident 98575-00098
7 Dr. Anjana Verma Senior Resident 89881-56258
8 Dr. Priyanka Thakur Senior Resident 94182-41482
9 Dr. Urvashi Nautiyal MO Specialist 94129-97048

“We care-when you are unaware”

The department of Anaesthesia was established in 2016 at SLBSGMCH Mandi at Nerchowk. The department of Anaesthesia is one of the main clinical departments to achieve the objectives and mandate of the institute.

The department was started with two operation theatres in Zonal Hospital Mandi which were later shifted to 5th floor in the hospital building at SLBSGMCH Nerchowk in 2018.

In the short span of time the department has made tremendous progress. At present the department is running 7 major OT daily including 24 hrs running emergency OT and maternity OT. The OT complex has adjoining 13 bedded equipped PACU (Post Anaesthesia Care Unit) / recovery room.

The department has set up its own 10 bedded ICU in 6th floor adjoining OT complex. The ICU caters to post-surgical and medical patients. There is operational PAC Clinic in 6th floor OT complex. Referred patients scheduled for surgical/ investigative procedures are screened in the PAC clinic daily. The department is also managing patients with Acute and Chronic pain, which are referred to PAIN clinic for treatment.

In COVID pandemic, the institute was dedicated COVID Hospital along with DCHC. The department was given charge of managing COVID patients who were critically ill and those requiring emergency surgical interventions. Hundreds of critically ill COVID 19 patients were treated in the hospital, which was accomplished in a smooth and efficient manner.

Further the department is providing post-graduation DNB course in Anaesthesia, which commenced in 2021. Presently 2 batches are pursuing DNB in the department.

Staff Details of Biochemistry Phone: NA Dept. Email:
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1 Dr. Ashwani Kumar Associate Professor 94182-00980
2 Dr. Anjana Kumari Negi Assistant Professor 99885-09011
3 Miss. Shubhangi Sharma Tutor 88943-21556
Staff Details of Community Medicine Phone: 01905-263054 Dept. Email: NA
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1 Dr. Vishav Chander Professor & Head 94180-69722
2 Dr.Durgesh Thakur Associate Professor 70181-26258
3 Dr. Ekta Dogra Associate Professor 98057-64160
4 Dr. Desh raj Assistant Professor -
5 Dr. Ramesh Chander Assistant Professor 88942-80966
6 Dr. Jaswinder Kaur Assistant Professor - cum- Statistician 85570-06517
7 Dr. Atul Gupta Tutor 98161-95771
8 Dr. Priyanka Tutor 94181-01865
9 Dr. Saurabh Rattan Tutor 98163-31143
10 Dr. Vikas Thakur Tutor 70188-89792
Staff Details of Dentistry Phone: 01905-263048 Dept.
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1. Dr. Jai Ram Kaundal Professor & Head 94184-65650
2. Dr. Manmohan Bramta Assistant Professor 94182-73777
3. Dr. Manjeet Singh Senior Resident 94189-43070
4. Dr. Reena sirohi Senior Resident 80912-40400
5. Dr. Mahender Singh Medical Officer -
6. Dr. sanjeev malhotra Junior Resdent -
Staff Details of Dermatology Phone: 01905-263138 Dept. Email:
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1 Dr. Subhash Kashyap Associate Professor 94186-54200
2 Dr. Saru Thakur Assistant Professor 94180-59069
3 Dr. Sucheta Pathania Senior Resident 94185-60620
Staff Details of Forensic Phone: NA Dept. Email: Na
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1 Dr. Manoj Sharma Associate Professor 94180-94389
2 Dr. Abhishek Sharma Senior Resident -
3 Dr. Saurbh Sharma Senior Resident -
Staff Details of Medicine Phone: NA Dept. Email: NA
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Bhawani Professor & Head 94180-84514
2. Dr. Pratibha Himral Associate Professor 94180-45569
3. Dr. Ravi Sharma Associate Professor 94189-00113
4. Dr. Santosh Kumar Dheer Associate Professor 94184-63527
5. Dr. Ajay Sharma Associate Professor 70183-09377
6. Dr. Komal Gharsangi Assistant Professor 94592-95299
7. Dr. Subhash Chand Sharma Assistant Professor 94180-92964
8. Dr. Surender Thakur Assistant Professor 94184-67457
9. Dr. Lokesh Verma Assistant Professor 99153-54618
10. Dr. Parul Bhardwaj Senior Resident 94189-94014
11. Dr. Fariddudin Senior Resident 82198-24676
12. Dr. Shilpa Atwal Senior Resident 98777-46957
13. Dr. Saurabh Bawa Senior Resident 70189-70765
14. Dr. Sapna Junior Resident 86849-32512
15. Dr. Somnath Junior Resident 74782-59910
16. Dr. Gurpreet Sharma Junior Resident 94682-30051
17. Dr. Shalini Junior Resident 95822-58650
18. Dr. Shruti Bhatia Junior Resident 93982-63677
19. Dr. Akanksha Sharma Junior Resident 86288-84450
20. Dr. Anjana Junior Resident 98054-36468
21. Dr. Manveer Junior Resident 70099-51545
22. Dr. Deepak Junior Resident 63861-81047
Staff Details of Surgery Phone: 01905-263131 Dept. Email:
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1. Dr. Davinder Kumar Verma Principal-Cum-Professor 94184-50772
2. Dr. Parikshit Malhotra Professor & Head 94184-50772
3. Dr. Amit Rattan Associate Professor 94180-23193
4. Dr. Rahul Mrigpuri Associate Professor 94180-00895
5. Dr. Vishal Thakur Associate Professor 82190-47447
6. Dr. Ranesh Kumar Assistant Professor 70186-11725
7. Dr. Ajay Kumar Assistant Professor 70185-56223
8. Dr. Vijay Singh Chandel Assistant Professor 94180-68447
9. Dr. Loveleen Mahajan Senior Resdent 98052-06190
10. Dr. Bharat Thakur Senior Resident 70187-22935
11. Dr. Tenzin Dolkar Bodh Senior Resdent 70189-81262

The department of general surgery was established at the time of inception of this institute in 2017 in the 2nd floor of hospital building and running with the capacity of 120 indoor beds.

The department runs daily OPD and routine operation theatre services. The Emergency operation theatre facility are 24X7 in a week. Since inception, the department has been progressing in medical education, research and providing the recent curative services to a major chunk of population of surrounding region. Department is doing advanced work in general surgery, minimal access surgery, endocrine surgery and Biliary & gastro-intestinal surgeries. There is also an endocrine lab in the department for basic laparoscopic training of residents. Department also runs specialised clinics for surgical oncology, diabetic foot and basic pediatric surgery

The department is providing training to Undergraduate (MBBS), Post Graduate (DNB General Surgery) and nursing students of the instituition. Presently the department is being headed by Prof. Parikshit Malhotra and comprises of four units doing specialised area of work along with general surgery and academic activates.

Staff Details of Microbiology Phone: 019052-63078 Dept. Email:
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1. Dr. Sunite A Ganju Professor & Head 94180-77308
2. Dr. Ramesh Chand Guleria Associate Professor 94180-29010
3. Dr. Lata R Chandel Assistant Professor 94180-04508
4. Dr. Rajender Singh Assistant Professor 94180-63035
5. Dr. Anupama Sharma Medical Officer (Specialist ) 94182-01115
6. Dr. Kirti Parmar Senior Resident 94599-44061
7. Ms. Madhuri Tutor 75972-20826
8. Ms. Ankita Singh Tutor 88946-33535
9. Dr. Swati Sharma M.O. (Microbiology) 86279-72528
10. Dr. Priyanka Rao PG / Junior Resident-II 94599-44061
11. Dr. Disha Thakur PG / Junior Resident-II 98170-86400
12. Dr. Reena Chandel PG / Junior Resident-II 70183-08561
13. Dr. Deepak Dogra PG / Junior Resident-II 70180-89759
14. Dr. Shagun Sood PG / Junior Resident-I 80739-52955
15. Dr. Noopur Thakur PG / Junior Resident-I 98162-57033
16. Dr. Mayank Sharma PG / Junior Resident-I 70180-53588
17. Dr. Jayapriya V.P PG / Junior Resident-I 97462-33939
Non-Teaching staff
1. Dr. Rashmi Scientist-B -
2. Mrs. Pushpa Kumari ICN -
3. Mrs. Prem Lata ICN -
4. Mrs. Taruna MLT Gr-II -
5. Ms. Indu Mohini MLT Gr-II -
6. Mrs. Anita MLT Gr-II -
7. Mrs. Vandana MLT Gr-II -
8. Mr. Akshay Jaswal MLT Gr-II -
9. Mr. Yogesh LT -
10. Mrs Rachana Sharma LT -
11. Mr. Pawan LT -
12. Ms. Dhani Devi LT -
13. Ms. Nisha Kumari LA -
14. Mr. Sanjay LA -
15. Mrs. Anita LA -
16. Mr. Kamlesh LA -
17. Mr. Sudheer Kumar LA -
18. Mrs. Deepa LA -
19. Mr Rajesh Kumar LA -
20. Mrs. Pallavi Sharma Museum Curator -
21. Mrs. Romi Devi DEO -
22. Ms. Fulma Devi DEO -
23. Mrs. Nisha Devi Counsellor -
24. Mrs. Seema Gupta LT -
25. Mrs. Ritu LT -
26. Mrs. Tara Devi Research Assistant -
27. Mr. Nitish Sharma MTS -

Department of Microbiology (Biomedical Waste management )


Biomedical waste (BMW) means any waste, generated during the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human being or animals or in research activities pertaining thereto or in the production or testing of biological or in health camps, and including categories mentioned in Schedule 1, of the BMW rules 2016 of the total waste generated in hospital.

The standards, norms and rules on BMWM regulate the disposal of various categories of BMW to ensure the safety of the health‑care workers, patients, public and environment.


These rules BMW in pursuance to the act passed by the Ministry of Environment and Forests in 1986 & notified as the Bio Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules in July 1998 shall not apply to waste under acts/ rules

  1. Radioactive Wastes, Atomic Energy Act, 1987
  2. Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989
  3. Solid Wastes covered under MSW, Rules, 2000
  4. Lead acid batteries, Batteries Rules, 2001
  5. Hazardous Waste management Handling & Transboundary Movement Rules, 2008
  6. E-waste, E-waste Rules, 2011
  7. Hazardous Microorganisms Rules, 1989


  1. BMWM rules, 1998: Notified in 1998 and amended as draft in 2003 & 2011 under Environment Protection Act (EPA), 1986.
  2. BMWM rules, 2016: The Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change, GOI, notified the BMWM rules on 28th March 2016, under the provisions of EPA, 1986. These rules fill up the gaps in the old rules to regulate the disposal of various categories of BMW.

These rules apply to all persons who generate, collect, receive, store, transport, treat, dispose, or handle BMW in any form. These include hospitals, nursing home, clinics, dispensary, veterinary institutions, laboratories, research/educational institutes, campus, first aid rooms of schools, blood banks and Ayush,

Of the total BMW about 75% – 90% of the waste is non‑hazardous or general health‑care waste. Remaining 10%–25% of BMW is regarded as hazardous and can lead to a variety of environmental and health risks;

  • Pathological and infectious waste (15%)
  • Chemical and pharmaceutical waste (3%)
  • Sharp waste (1%)
  • Special waste <1%


A person having administrative control over the institution and the premises generating bio-medical waste, which includes a hospital, nursing home, clinic, dispensary, veterinary institution, animal house, pathological laboratory, blood bank, health care facility and clinical establishment, irrespective of their system of medicine and by whatever name they are called. The occupier herein is the principal cum dean of Medical College SLBSGMCH Mandi at Nerchowk. The Principal Cum Dean will take all necessary actions so that all the waste generated is handled without any adverse effect to human health and environment.

Duties of the occupier:

  1. To ensure that waste is handled without any adverse effect to human health and the environment.
  2. Provision of a Final Storage Room.
  3. Pre-treatment of Lab waste, microbiology waste, blood bags etc.
  4. Phase-out use of chlorinated plastic bags, gloves and blood bags
  5. Providing training to healthcare workers & keep record.
  6. Immunize Health workers with Tetanus and Hepatitis-B vaccine
  7. Establish bar-code based software system.
  8. Pre-treatment of liquid chemical waste before mixing it with domestic liquid waste.
  9. Appropriate and adequate use of PPEs.
  10. Conduct health-checkup of health workers and keep record.
  11. Display waste management monthly record on the HCFs website.
  12. Report Major Accidents in Form-I within 24 hrs.
  13. Untreated human anatomical waste, animal anatomical waste, soiled waste and biotechnology waste shall not be stored beyond 48 hrs.
  14. Report to PCB incase of irregular visit of CBWTF.
  15. Forming a BMW Management committee and hold at least biannual meetings.
  16. The containers shall be properly labeled.

Salient features of BMW management rules 2016

The major salient features of BMW Management Rules, 2016 are:

  • The ambit of the rules has been expanded to include vaccination camps, blood donation camps, surgical camps or any other healthcare activity;
  • Phase-out the use of chlorinated plastic bags, gloves and blood bags within two years;
  • Pre-treatment of the laboratory waste, microbiological waste, blood samples and blood bags through disinfection or sterilization on-site in the manner as prescribed by WHO or NACO;
  • Provide training to all its health care workers and immunize all health workers regularly;
  • Establish a Bar-Code System for bags or containers containing bio-medical waste for disposal;
  • Report major accidents;
  • The new rules prescribe more stringent standards for incinerator to reduce the emission of pollutants in environment;
  • Existing incinerators to achieve the standards for retention time in secondary chamber and Dioxin and Furans within two years;
  • Bio-medical waste has been classified in to 4 categories instead of 10 to improve the segregation of waste at source;
  • Procedure to get authorization simplified. Automatic authorization for bedded hospitals. The validity of authorization synchronized with validity of consent orders for Bedded HCFs. One time Authorization for Non-bedded HCFs;
  • No occupier shall establish on-site treatment and disposal facility, if a service of `common bio-medical waste treatment facility is available at distance of seventy-five kilometers.
  • Operator of a common bio-medical waste treatment and disposal facility to ensure the timely collection of bio-medical waste from the HCFs and assist the HCFs in conduct of training.



The salient features of the Bio-Medical Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2018 are:

  1. Bio-medical waste generators including hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, dispensaries, veterinary institutions, animal houses, pathological laboratories, blood banks, health care facilities, and clinical establishments will have to phase out chlorinated plastic bags (excluding blood bags) and gloves by 27-03-2019.
  2. All healthcare facilities shall make available the annual report on its website within a period of 2 years from date of publication of the Bio-Medical Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2018.
  3. Operators of common bio-medical waste treatment and disposal facilities shall establish bar coding and global positioning system for handling of bio-medical waste in accordance with guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board by 27-03-2019.
  4. The State Pollution Control Boards/Pollution Control Committees have to compile, review and analyze the information received and send its information to the Central Pollution Control Board in a new Form (Form IV A), which seeks detailed information regarding district-wise bio-medical waste generation, information on Health Care Facilities having captive treatment facilities, information on common bio-medical waste treatment and disposal facilities.
  5. Every occupier, i.e. a person having administrative control over the institution and the premises generating biomedical waste shall pre-treat the laboratory waste, microbiological waste, blood samples, and blood bags through disinfection or sterilization on-site in the manner as prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO) or guidelines on safe management of wastes from health care activities and WHO Blue Book 2014 and then sent to the Common bio-medical waste treatment facility for final disposal.


Non compliance

In case of any non-compliance of the BMWM Rules, 2016, the occupier is liable for penalty for contravention of the provisions of the Act and the Rules, orders and directions as specified in Rule 15. of the E(P)Act,1986 which states that

whosoever fails to comply or contravenes any of the provisions of the Act and the Rules, orders and directions be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years or with fine which may extend to one lakh rupees or both



Agreement with HPSPCB. HPSPCB | H.P. State Pollution Control Board Link

Annual Report of BMW of SLBSGMCH Nerchowk at Mandi

Staff Training Activities: Sensitization sessions, Refresher, and onsite trainings continuously being conducted for various categories of staff.

  1. Cleaning personnel
  2. Laboratory Technicians and Laboratory Assistants
  3. Nursing staff
  4. Pharmacists
  5. Resident Doctors
  6. Faculty
  7. Administrative staff





More reading: links

HP pollution board


BMW rules

E-waste guidelines

Plastic waste

Solid waste management rules

-Enviro Engineers, CBWTF Shandli , Arki Solan, HP

Monthly Reports BMW & COVID BMW 2024
January Feburary March April
May June July August
Staff Details of Gynaecology Phone: 01905-263161 Dept. Email:
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1. Dr. Nalneesh Sharma Professor & Head 94184-89100
2. Dr. Hemender Mahajan Associate Professor 70181-76148
3. Dr. Reena Sharma Assistant Professor 70182-60676
4. Dr. Shuchi Sharma Assistant Professor 94186-51323
5. Dr. Ankita jaswal Senior Resident -
6. Dr. Kamlesh Kumari Senior Resident -
7. Dr. Komal Sharma Senior Resident -
8. Dr. Jayita Das Medical Specialist -
9. Dr. Vipasha Gupta Medical Specialist -

The department of obstetrics & Gynaecology, SLBSGMCH was established in October 2018. In short time span the department has grown to a health care expert center for providing services to women of different age groups with different health issues including pregnant women and catering the central area of Himachal Pradesh including district Mandi, Kullu, Lahaul Spiti, Hamirpur and Bilaspur.

Department is pioneer in starting the DNB courses and presently second batch of DNB students are getting trained here.

Excellent teaching programs as per new NMC guidelines are running in the department for both undergraduate and post graduate students in theory as well as in practical clinical classes.

Internship program has also been started as the students of first batch of our medical college has joined internship this year in April, 2022.

Senior residents in the department are obtaining overall comprehensive exposures in clinical and surgical skills in Obstetrics and gynecology.

As a part of commitment to national family planning programs we are offering all modalities of reversible and permanent methods of contraception to our patients.

Department is providing facilities of Laproscopic surgeries, hysterocopic surgeries, treatment of gynecological cancers, management of high risk pregnancies, fertility care, colposcopy other than routine major and minor procedures and 24 hour facilities for handling all type of emergencies in obstetrics and gynecology.

Labor room dept of Obg & gynae SLBSGMC
Staff Details of Ophthalmology Phone: NA Dept. Email: NA
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1 Dr. Deepak Sharma Head & Associate Professor 98160-73935
2 Dr. Pankaj Kumar Assistant Professor 70183-15638
3 Dr. Anubhav Chauhan Assistant Professor 98169-91482
4 Dr. Vandana Sharma Senior Resident 94184-71535
5 Dr. Neha Chauhan Medical Officer Specialist -

Department of Ophthalmology is providing comprehensive eye care services to the patients visiting the Eye Department from different parts of Himachal Pradesh particularly Districts like Mandi, Kullu, Bilaspur, Lahaul Spiti and adjoining areas of Hamirpur district . Department is equipped with following state of the art machinery and equipments:-

  1. Slit Lamp Biomicroscope with Applanation Tonometer
  2. Photo slit Lamp with Applanation Tonometer
  3. Autorefractometer with Keratometer
  4. Non Contact Tonometer, Goldman Applanation Tonometer , Schiotz Tonometer
  5. B- Scan Ultrasound
  6. A- Scan biometer for IOL power calculation
  7. Indirect and Direct Ophthalmoscope
  8. Nd Yag Laser for Iridotomy and
  9. Green Laser
  10. Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomogram
  11. Optopol Visual Field Analyzer
  12. Fundus Camera
  13. Operating Microscope with Recording and Retrieval Syatem
  14. Phacoemulsification Unit.
  15. LED chart projectors for visual acuity assessment, Refractions sets, Streak Retinoscope and Refraction chair unit.

Following Services are being provided by the Department of Ophthalmology:-

A.OPD Services:- Routine eye OPD is running on the first floor of the hospital building on all days except holidays. Department is well equipped with basic as well as latest equipments to handle all types of patients coming to eye OPD. There are three consultant and one Resident OPD rooms with one independent Refraction Room. Emergency eye services are being provided 24 x 7. In addition following special clinics are being run:-

Staff Details of Ophthalmology Phone: NA Dept. Email: NA
Sr.No Name of clinic Day Faculty
1. Retina Clinic Monday Dr. G.C.Rajput/Dr. Anubhav Chauhan
2. Oculoplasty and Neuro ophthalmology Tuesday Dr. Deepak K Sharma
3. Glaucoma Clinic Wednesday Dr. Neha Chauhan
4. Cornea and Refractive surgery clinic Saturday Dr. Pankaj Thakur

B. Indoor Services:- Department of Ophthalmology has independent eye ward on the fourth floor of the hospital building with total sanctioned 10 beds which may be extended to 30 beds.

C. O.T. services:- Department has independent Eye OT on the sixth floor of the hospital building . Dedicated faculty and residents are providing state of the art operative services to the needy patients with latest techniques. Following surgeries are being performed:-

Cataract:- Conventional cataract surgery with IOL implantation and advanced cataract surgery with phacoemulsification and IOL implantation.

Glaucoma:- Glaucoma surgeries including Trabeculectomy with MMC (0.02%)are performed routinely.

Strabismus:-Surgeries for different ocular alignment disorders.

Oculoplasty:- Surgeries like lid repair, entropion correction, ectropion correction ,extraocular trauma, enucleation and evisceration are performed regularly.

Lacrimal Sac Surgery:- DCR and DCT are performed regularly.

In addition department is performing surgeries required in emergency cases like repair of perforating ocular injuries.

D. Teaching Services:- As per National Medical Commission guidelines excellent teaching program is being provided to the MBBS students by the dedicated faculty in theory and clinical classes. Interns are being trained and emphasis is being given making them competent in diagnosing, treating and timely referral of common ocular ailments. Comprehensive clinical and surgical exposure is given to the Senior Residents.

Staff Details of Orthopedics Phone: NA Dept. Email: –
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1. Dr. Sandeep Kalia Professor & Head 94183-11121
2. Dr. Lokesh Gupta Assistant Professor 94184-52514
3. Dr. Lakshya Prateek Rathore Assistant Professor 70183-45829
4. Dr. Kunal Kaushal Assistant Professor 94180-93001
5. Dr. Kuldeep Chand Vatsyan Senior Resident 98163-65864
6. Dr. Rohit Rai Vatsyan Senior Resident 98052-92605
7. Dr. Naveen Verma Senior Resident 98056-98240
8. Dr. Abhinav Senior Resident 98056-98240
9. Dr. Rakesh Kumar Daroch Junior Resident (DNB) 70180-96485
10. Dr. vineet Kashyap SR/PMR 70188-49843
Staff Details of Otorhinolaryngology Phone: 01905-243945 Dept. Email:
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1. Dr. Rajnish Sharma MBBS,MS(ENT) Professor 94182-14470
2. Dr. Bhushan Lal MBBS,MS(ENT) Associate Professor 9418300027
3 Dr. Naina Verma MBBS,MS(ENT) Assistant Professor 82191-10928
4 Dr. Pankaj Chauhan MBBS,MS(ENT) Medical officer (Specialist) (Post SR) 82191-10928
5 Dr. Sapna Dhiman MBBS,MS(ENT) Senior Resident -
6 Dr. Shiv Brat Sharma MBBS,MS(ENT) Senior Resident -
Staff Details of Pathology Phone: NA Dept. Email: NA
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1. Dr. Kamal Preet Associate Professor & Head
2. Dr. Anita Bodh Assistant Professor -
3. Dr. Renu Sharma Associate Professor -
4. Dr. Richa Gupta Associate Professor -
5. Dr. Meena Bhardwaj Assistant Professor -
6. Dr. Ishan Sharma Tutor -
7. Dr. Abhilash Singh Tutor -
8. Dr. Jyant Kumar Tutor -
9. Dr. Sachin Sharma Tutor -
10. Dr. Priyanka Brua Tutor -
11. Dr. Sharab Chhopal Medical Officer Specialist -
Staff Details of Pediatrics Phone: 01905-263156 Dept. Email:
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1. Dr. Vinod Kumar, MBBS, MD Pediatrics Head & Associate Professor Pediatrics 94181-83999
2. Dr. Richa Sharma, MBBS, MD Pediatrics Associate Professor Pediatrics 94180-23131
3. Dr. Yogish Kumar, MBBS, MD Pediatrics and DM Paediatric Critical Care Assistant Professor Pediatrics 94591-46303
4. Dr. Anupam Badhan, MBBS, MD Pediatrics Assistant Professor Pediatrics 94180-57177
5. Dr. Chander Shekhar, MBBS, MD Pediatrics Assistant Professor Pediatrics 70188-98741
6. Dr. Ajay Kumar Assistant Professor -
7. Dr. Vishal Jamwal, MBBS, MD Pediatrics Senior Resident 94188-10003
8. Dr. Mohit Sharma, MBBS, MD Pediatrics Senior Resident 94180-03323
9. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Senior Resident 94182-24345
10. Mrs. Preeti DEO SNCU 98056-58720

Department of Pediatrics Facilities



- Ward


- Special Clinics


- NRC (upcoming)

- Milk banking (Proposed upcoming)

- 13 bedded state of art PICU

- 24X7 essentials Lab services

- 24X7 electricity backup

- Portable x ray


- Central Air Condition for thermoneutral environment


Department of Pediatrics has 20 bedded fully equipped SNCU with all modern facilities. It is equipped with central oxygen and central medical air & central suction. We have CPAP, HFNC devices, high tech ventilators, portable x ray (Bed side X ray) and high resolution Portable ECHO & USG machine. We have double surface phototherapy, Radiant warmers with in lying weighing scales, 5 para and 7 para monitors and infusion pumps.

SNCU has highly trained dedicated SNCU Doctors and Nurses to take care of

newborns patient 24X7

In SNCU there are annual new admissions of 644 newborns which includes 221 LBW, 36 VLBW and 7 ELBW patients with 100% bed occupancy for year 2021. We are providing KMC to all preterm and our policy is to provide breastfeed to all new borns with full Location support to the lactating mothers.


- Double Volume Exchange Transfusions (DVET)

- Lumber Puncture (LP)

- Pleural tap

- IC drainage tube insertion (ICDT)

- Central lines and PICC lines

- Surfactant administration

- Ventilation

- Umblical catheterisation


There is 12 bedded PICU and every bed is equipped with central Oxygen, central suction, central medical air, 5 para/ 7 para monitors & infusion pumps. We have round the clock Pediatric intensivist on call. PICU is equipped with all modern devices like CPAP, HFNC, state of art ventilators, USG / ECHO machine and portable x ray (Bed side X ray). Patients treated in PICU for the year 2021 is as enlisted below:

Patient Detail No. of Patients
PICU 476
Spectrum of disease:
Respiratory 113
Neurological 73
Neuromuscular 8
Gastrointestinal 60
Cardiac 8
Poisonings 41
Snake bite/Insect bite 14
Endocrinological (DKA) 9
Renal 9
Other Infections/Sepsis 63
Miscellaneous 80
Interventions required:
Mechanical ventilation 69
Central line insertion - Femoral vein 27
Internal jugular vein 1
Peritoneal dialysis 1
Referred 51
Mortality 11
Procedures Performed in PICU

1. Central line insertions with CVP monitoring

2. Lumber Puncture

3. Pleural tap

4. ICDT insertion

5. PD catheterization ETCo2 Monitoring

6. Arterial catheterization


There is 60 bedded Pediatric ward with central air conditioning. We have 40 beds with central oxygen and central suction. There is a dietician and Pediatric Physiotherapist available in this area. Children are given customized diet as planned and charted by the dietician.


There is a DEIC in our OPD section which caters to all the govt. schemes and programs related to Pediatric population. There is good coordination between different departments done by DEIC team


Is located on 1st floor of the hospital has a seating capacity of about 100 people. There are 4 separate consultant and Senior Resident OPD rooms. We have dedicated child psychologist. Separate counselling, immunization and well-baby clinic is also functional in this area. OPD has a beautiful fun filled play area for children with facilities for play therapy and occupation therapy.

Special Clinic

We are running following special clinical

1. Neurology clinic

2. Neonatology clinic

3. Asthma and pulmonology clinic

4. PICU follow up

5. Nephrology clinic

Staff Details of Pharmacology Phone: NA Dept. Email:
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1 Dr. Parveen Kumar Sharma Professor & Head 70189-43366
2 Dr. Aradhna Sharma Associate Professor 98168-11016
3 Dr. Shivani Bhagat Associate Professor 78386-36564
4 Dr. Rajan Negi Assistant Professor 94181-01725
5 Dr. Kunwar Shailen singh Guleriya Tutor 85447-26970
6 Dr. Utsav Shinghal M. O. Specialist 85447-26970
7 Dr. Chandini Rathour PG -
8 Dr. Komal Sharma PG -

The Department of pharmacology strives to strengthen the medical education in relation to pharmacology for our future health care providers. The Department of Pharmacology was established at the time of inception of the Institute in 2017 and is situated in the second floor of Academic Block.

Presently, Department is running undergraduate medical (MBBS) course for 120 students and postgraduate (MD) course for 2 students every year.

Department of Pharmacology is committed to report all the spontaneous adverse drug reactions occurring in the OPD/IPD of the hospital. Medical device adverse event monitoring

centre (MDMC) under MvPI was established in the Department in 2021.

Department of Pharmacology also provides Information on drugs i.e uses, contraindications, adverse effects and their interactions to the inquisitive clinicians. Pharmacology department disseminates information and guidance to promote rational use of medicines for better patient care.

Department has well equipped Experimental Pharmacology Laboratory, Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory, Pharmacy Laboratory, and a Computer Aided Learning Simulation Lab with upgraded CAL software. Manikins are available in the department for intravenous, intramuscular, intradermal drug administration as per NMC guidelines. Department has a well furnished seminar cum demonstration room with audio visual facility. Departmental museum has various charts, photographs and models depicting history of Pharmacology and mechanism of action of various drugs. Departmental library has nearly 100 books for imparting knowledge to undergraduate and postgraduate students.

The faculty of the Department is enthusiastically involved in teaching undergraduates and postgraduate students as per NMC guidelines. Interactive lectures, Case/ Problem based discussions, Role plays, Seminars and tutorials are conducted regularly for the better understanding of the subject.

The department is actively involved in the research projects and the articles are published in the National and International journals of repute.

Staff Details of Physiology Phone: NA Dept. Email:NA
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Associate Professor 94184-65899
2. Dr. Veena Gupta Assistant Professor -
3. Dr. Rakesh Mohan Assistant Professor -
3. Dr. Rakesh Bansal Assistant Professor 94180-03787
4. Dr. Kanu Kapoor Tutor -
5. Dr. Madhubala Tutor 82199-17217
6. Dr. Badal Katoch Tutor -
Staff Details of Psychiatry Phone: NA Dept. Email: NA
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1. Dr Ramesh Kumar Professor & Head 94181-89949
2. Dr Vineet Sharma Assistant Professor 94184-98546
3. Dr. Sonali Mahajan Senior Resident 94180-65344
4. Dr. Neeraj Kanwar Senior Resident 94186-91327
Staff Details of Radio-Diagnosis Phone: NA Dept. Email: NA
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1. Dr. Sourab Sood Assistant Professor 94180-11886
2 Dr. Virender Kumar Senior Resident
3 Dr. Ishan Dogra Senior Resident
4 Dr. Vivek Kumar Garg Senior Resident
5 Dr. Yash Pal Singh Senior Resident
6 Dr. Abhishek Dhiman Senior Resident
7 Dr. Saroj Kumar Senior Resident
Staff Details of Radiotherapy Phone: NA Dept. Email: Na
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1. Dr. Ratti Ram Negi Professor & Head 9418455528
2. Dr. Kaalindi Singh Assistant Professor 9418424319
3. Dr. Anup Negi Assistant Professor 7018192327
4. Dr. Ranveer Vardhan Senior Resident 7018171907
5. Dr. Kapil Mohan Pal Senior Resident 9418200835
6. Dr. Rittu Sharma Senior Resident 8219111620
7. Dr. Balbir Singh Medical Physicist 8968222021
8. Dr. Megha Singh Medical Physicist 8968298802
9. Chhape Ram Radiological Safety Officer 91406-81879
Staff Details of Tuberculosis Phone: 01905-263209 Dept. Email: NA
Sr.No Name Designation Mobile
1. Dr. Rekha Bansal Professor & Head 94599-33703
2. Dr. Manisha Bhardwaj Assistant Professor 99886-36983
3. Dr. Abhilash Seregtta Senior Resident 98150-82992
4. Dr. Akshita Verma Junior Resident 78072-88098